
Art Waber and Silvia Quiroga have been colaborating to bring a Cochabamba-based modern dance choreographer Ana Cecilia Moreno to NC. She has been officially invited to attend the American Dance Festival as part of the International Choreographers Residency (ICR) program http://www.americandancefestival.org/international/icr.html  The Festival dates are June 14 – July 28, 2012, and she will be in Durham for 6-1/2 weeks.  Here is the website for Ana and her dance company, "Atempodanza": http://atempodanza.blogspot.com/  ADF has decades of experience hosting choreographers from around the world, including Bolivia*, and this will be a wonderful opportunity for Ana.  Silvia Quiroga worked with Ana on the initial ADF application process, and we are now shifting our focus to providing her with funds for travel, housing (provided by ADF on the Duke campus), tuition and other expenses.  Stay tuned for further developments!  *Carmen Melo Tomsich (1989); Jeannette Inchauste (1993); Ximena Muñoz-Reyes (1996)