By Peter Whoriskey March 17, 02017 A Tsimane father and son hunt fish in a river. (Michael Gurven) The Tsimane people dwell in thatched huts in a remote corner of
La Paz adapts to a world without water
Photograph by Christina Holmes High and dry When the glaciers that fed La Paz, Bolivia, its water vanished, citizens woke to dry taps, civil unrest—and a Water General’s reign. The
Bolivia’s Disappearing Lake
photo by Linda FarthingLake Poopó’s dry lakebed. The lake dried up almost completely in December 2015 by Linda Farthing – February 1, 2017 As Lake Poopó vanishes, depleted by water
Prepared for the worst’: Bolivians face historic drought, and global warming could intensify it
Bolivia’s worst drought in 25 years is affecting large regions of the country. Some residents are only receiving water three days a week, while many collect rain water to offset