INTERACT- Projected short and long term goals
PHASE I-(Completed)
North Carolina and Cochabamba Partners received a Travel Grant to bring Claudia Jimenez to Raleigh area from November 29, 2012 to December 17, 2012.
PHASE II (Claudia Jimenez preliminary written Plan)-
(Received 2011)
PHASE III-(Pending completion of Travel Grant with projected dates for Kathy Johnson, Associate Executive Director of Interact to visit Cochabamba November 3-19, 2012)
Kathy Johnson will travel to Cochabamba in November , 2012
Claudia Jimenez and Kathy Johnson will write “Prelimi nary Plan” to increase and
improve a variety of services for families dealing with domestic violence in
Cochabamba (city and Department of Cochabamba-by March 1, 2012
It is anticipated that because of the Plan’s written by both traveler’s that identifies
new needs of Interact, Warmi and INFANTE, justification will be evident to apply
for grants and/or public and private funding for the improvement and expansion of
programs in the respective organizations.-by December 30, 2012
The information that develops from this project will make it possible to propose a
strong case for additional support to a variety of sources for future program
needs identified. –To be determined
Preliminary research indicates that there are possible sources of funding to develop and sustain the suggestions identified in the written Plans of this international project after funding ends.
Possible future sources of funds for the long range implementation of the Plan are
available from the:
Global Fund for Women
Child Fund International
The Body Shop Foundation
US Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women
US Agency for International Development
US Department of Health and Human Services: Family
Violence Programs; Pan American Health Organization
Save the Children
Report Prepared by Hank Graden for NC Partner’s Mid-year Meeting on June 23, 2012